These are some of the most important instruments used in the Mako Total Knee procedure.
Knee tibial array
Used to track the position and orientation of the tibia bone. Attaches to the array adapter and used in combination with the bone clamp and bone pins to securely fix to the tibia bone.
Blunt probe
Used to capture and verify checkpoints and capture patient landmarks (green).
Array stabilizer (3.2 or 4.0 short)
Used as a guide for tibia bone pin insertion. Remains in place during the procedure to provide stability to the tibia array assembly. Available for 3.2 mm and 4.0 mm diameter bone pins.
Registration tool
Attaches to the MICS handpiece and is used for registration of the robotic-arm.
Square driver
Used to tighten/loosen the square-head screws of the MICS handpiece, 2-pin clamps, pelvic array adaptors, and bone arrays.
Planar probe
Used for bone resection depth and angular error measurement.
Lamina spreader
Forced-based spreader with force graduations used in combination with the knee tensioner to provide joint distraction.
Sagittal saw attachment
Attaches to the MICS handpiece and a saw blade. Used to make planar bone resections for the femur anterior, femur anterior chamfer, femur posterior, and proximal tibia.
Angle saw attachment
Attaches to the MICS handpiece and a saw blade. Used to make planar bone resections for the femur distal and femur posterior chamfer.
Complete instrument trays:
Listen to Dr. Kirby Hitt describe the Triathlon Knee System design rationale and why it’s so important when planning your Mako Total Knee case.